A bronze wand terminates in raw citrine quartz point, bright as flame, warm as sunlight, sweet as honey. The draping branches are inspired by weeping willow boughs. It reminds me of the hanging torches one often sees in cemetery carvings- A symbol of the soul's immortal and inextinguishable fire, or the Wand of tarot- A symbol of burning ambition, leadership, and guidance. A amulet of strength and light for dark uncertain times.
Quartz are not the rarest of crystals (in fact, a handful of sand contains innumerable shards of the stuff) but no other crystal is as varied in its colors and formations, or versatile in its uses. Highly conductive of light and energy, it has served us throughout history as tools of science and utility, as well as being treasured for its spiritual power and beauty. It follows that Quartz is associated with thought and Intelligence, inspiration, clarity and focus, and the ability to transform and invent.
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