"This pentacle is of great value against advertises, and of especial use in repressing the pride of spirits."
Here is talisman of strength and power to aid those who struggle, and help in times of misfortune. The grid in the center is a design of Qabalistic power, a sacred double acrostic, reading the same vertically as it does horizontally. Translated from Hebrew, the letters read: SATOR / AREPO / TENET / OPERA / ROTAS. This is encircled by Psalm 72:8:
His dominion shall be also from one sea to the other, and from the flood unto the world's end.
Pendants are 1" in diameter and framed in solid hand-finished brass. They can be perfectly accessorized with any of our antique brass chains. Each includes a legend tag with description and detailed translation for your reference.
This collection of pentacles was gathered from the CLAVICULA SALOMONIS or The Key of Solomon, one of history's most celebrated and influential grimoires. Each talisman in our collection is recreated with exacting detail. My research references S. Liddel MacGregor Mathews' 1888 edition, as well as my own research and translations, to ensure that these are the most vivid, studied, and authentic transcriptions available. They are objects of art, of power, and of historical curiosity.