'It is a man's face, with oak leaves growing from the mouth and ears, and completely encircling the head. [It has been] suggested that it was intended to symbolize the spirit of inspiration, but it seemed to me certain that it was a man and not a spirit, and moreover that it was a "Green Man."'
--From The "Green Man" In Church Architecture, by Lady Raglan, 1939
Seen staring from corbels, Medieval paintings, and embodied as the Jack in the Green in English folk traditions, the Green Man is a Pagan symbol of renewal, fertility, Springtime, and mankind's union with nature. It most likely evolved from even older nature deities such as the Celtic Cernunnos and the Greek Pan and Dionysus. He is also a ressurection image of death and rebirth, associating him with Okeanus, the Greek Titan of streams and freshwater. He is a mischievous fellow of mirth and wisdom, reminding us of our roots and grounding us in our natural origins, and his image can be seen throughout the British Isles and wider Europe. Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland, is host to over one hundred such Green Men carvings.
This original design is by Hibernacula designer K. M. Kotulak and is hand-crafted in the USA. It is cast in solid bronze and painted with alcohol inks.
Measures roughly 3½" by 1½".
Chain is not included and may be purchased from our "Chains & Accessories" section.