For as long as there has been civilization, there have been labyrinths. Carved into Neolithic stone, described in ancient legends, decorating the floors of medieval cathedrals and modern churches. I have seen them in gardens, in brick and tile, in stone and pebbles and sand, in rainbow-colored sidewalk chalk... Even the organ of the brain, both its surface and in cross-section, has the appearance of a labyrinth, hiding its mysteries from us.
The Labyrinth, unlike a maze, is unicursal... It only has one path, leading from the entrance to the center, and then out again. Unlike the maze, the Labyrinth is not a puzzle: To escape the labyrinth, or to reach its heart, you simply must trust the path that you are on, and not be confused by its twists and turns, enduring darkness and doubt... it a symbol of the mystery, the search, and inner light that guides you.
The Labyrinth is one of our larger pendants, measuring 24mm wide, and is framed in antique brass. The chain is not included, but you may choose a custom chain from our Chains & Accessories section.