The moon enchants us with its purity and radiant mystery. These clear quartz pints have faint aura of silver, reminding us the moon's lunar glow. These natural raw quartz spears have been heat-fused with precious metals, endowing them with a subtle metallic armor. Each is sheathed in brass filigree and wirework, each uniquely crafted by hand and nature.
Quartz are not the rarest of crystals (in fact, a handful of sand contains innumerable shards of the stuff) but no other crystal is as varied in its colors and formations, or versatile in its uses. Quartz was carved into some of the first prehistoric tools, and has served us throughout history as tools of science and utility, as well as being treasured for its power and beauty. It follows that Quartz is associated with thought and vision: Intelligence, inspiration, clarity and focus, invention, and transformation. It features powerfully in white magic, used in altars and rituals to focus intentions and manifest positive wishes and desires.
The chain is sold separately, in our Chains & Accessories section.